Caprese new style

Ingredients for 4 portions
  1. 200g San Marzano Tomato of Agro Sarnese-Nocerino Dop
  2. 5g gelatine
  3. 2 buffalo mozzarella
  4. q.s. Oregano, Dried
  5. 80g Black Olives Cream
  6. 8 Salted Rock Capers
  7. 4 basil leaves

  • Cook the tomato S. Marzano with salt and pepper and sift it till thick, then serve in a glass beaker.

  • Once the sauce has solidified, add on the top the buffalo mozzarella previously blended with oil, pepper and oregano with a sac à poche.

  • Put in the fridge and once ready to serve, add a quenelle of black olives cream olives and pieces of dried capers obtained in a microwave.

  • Garnish with the fresh basil and extra virgin olive oil.