Fillet of pork with green peppercorns, served with spicy chickpea stew

Ingredients for 4 portions
  1. 600g fillet of pork
  2. 300g Chickpeas
  3. 100g "Pomodorella" Pasta Sauce
  4. 100g smoked pancetta lardons
  5. q.s. Green Pepper, Freeze-Dried, Whole
  6. q.s. Brown Basic Sauce, Pasty
  7. q.s. chopped onion
  8. q.s. Chilis, Coarsely Ground
  9. q.s. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
  10. q.s. Sea Salt Flakes
  11. q.s. Black Pepper, Ground

  • Slice the pork fillet, season with salt and pepper and brown in a frying pan, then add the freeze-dried green peppercorns and the brown sauce, diluted with 5 parts water.

  • Heat oil in a small pan and sauté the onion, add the pancetta and when browned, add the chickpeas, tomato sauce and pepper.

  • When the meat is cooked, arrange everything on a plate, garnish to taste and serve immediately.