Tripe and pesto lasagne with Pecorino cheese gratin

Author: APCI - Associazione Professionale Cuochi Italiani

  1. Tripe "Alla Marchigiana"

for the pesto

  1. 1 clove of garlic
  2. 50g fresh basil
  3. 100ml Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
  4. 60g pecorino cheese, grated
  5. 20g mediterranean pine nuts
  6. pinch of salt

  • Pound the garlic in a mortar until it becomes pulp, add the basil and pine nuts and continue to pound to give a cream. Add the Pecorino and salt. Take out of the mortar and add the oil.

to assemble the lasagne

  • Boil the sheets of lasagne for at least 2 minutes and dry on a clean cloth. Alternate layers of lasagne with fresh pesto and hot tripe. Top the last layer with grated Pecorino and brown in the oven for a few minutes.